About Me

Hi, I’m Gladys Marie Clancy
Love Architect for Busy Women

I’m a relationship expert, speaker, author, and active dreamer.

Over the years, I’ve learned how to personally create a lasting romantic relationship full of fun, emotional responsiveness, and secure connection.

Now let me be honest, I’m not saying there hasn’t been frustration, conflicting viewpoints, and even hurt feelings.

What I am saying is that I’ve uncovered ways to get through these obstacles to peace ─ past these barriers that often trip people up and make them fall out of love.

My mission is to empower other women to do the same ─ to feel that it's safe to relax and enjoy their love lives, because they know how to diffuse any difficult situation that may arise.

You Can Do This!

You can be in love and be happy.
And you don’t have to figure it out alone!

For over a decade, I’ve been helping women in various cultures, from all walks of life…

💜 Find a romantic partner who makes loving them a priority
(or− inspire the one they’re with, to give them a ring!) And by the way,
it's not true that all the good ones are taken.

💜 Create a secure connection─ emotional responsiveness that turns inevitable conflict into intimacy... and inspires love to last.

💜 Save their marriage when things seemed bleak; when ease,
security, and great sex felt like a distant memory, and they couldn't
see how to have happiness again.

💜 Go through divorce with dignity and move on without
bitterness, because they now had a plan for their future.

💜 Reinvent themselves and start over with reclaimed confidence and access to inner wisdom, even in the midst of frustration or uncertainty.

My techniques are sought out because they work!

Through my “straight to the point” formula, students learn immediately usable steps that remove unwanted blocks to love-

so they can (deeply) re-connect with their partner...
or (finally) find new love if they're single.

Through my programs students learn to bend reality-
so they can enjoy secure attachment
and emotional responsiveness!

My Story

I’m a lot like you! After a devastating breakup, I just wanted to finally be the woman who attracts and keeps a good man─ a high-quality guy who adored me and wouldn’t do anything to mess this up!

I thought I had healed… I thought I was ready to move on. Yet before long, I found myself in a relationship with a man who started out to be charming… but ended up, to be a disaster! The same disheartening pattern, the same reason I had left my marriage, repeated again!

It was like the same guy, with a different name, different face,
showed up in my love life! I found myself feeling the same confusion and uncertainty… the same anger burning in the pit of my stomach!

Then, one long and sleepless night, it struck me like a bolt of lightning!

I was the common denominator
in all this misery!

And if anything was going to change,
I needed to figure this out─

So, I traveled far and wide, sought out experts─ and delved into neuroscience, psychology, and metaphysics (with a bit of Zen).

Then I became my own case study and tested what I had learned— filtered it through my own experience... kept what worked and threw out what didn’t!

Eventually, I got it! I figured out how to heal my hurts, mend my doubts, and ultimately shift my results.

My life transformed!

I met my love and we’ve been married for over 26 years!

I now realize first hand,
that it’s 

possible for man to be devoted and validating... attuned and responsive to my emotions.

I now know
that love can feel playful and fun and secure.

It all began by recognizing the real reason for my problems in love… hazardous, hidden subconscious beliefs— that were sabotaging my chances for genuine,
soul-satisfying romantic love!

Find out if you are unconsciously
sabotaging love in your life

Your ideal romance awaits you.
